Farbkirlian Spektral Analyse zeigt Ausbildungslevel der IAGEH - IAGEH News-Blog - IAGEH Internationale Akademie für Geistig-Energetische Harmonisierung

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Farbkirlian Spektral Analyse zeigt Ausbildungslevel der IAGEH

IAGEH Internationale Akademie für Geistig-Energetische Harmonisierung
Herausgegeben von in Veröffentlichung ·
Tags: 17.11.2012

Color Coronal (Kirlian) spectral analysis shows the level of the education in IAGEH

Dr. Ignat Ignatov

In International Academy for Spiritual-Energetic Harmonization (IAGEH) the students were educated with Mandy Protze-Kälberer© methodic. The scientific research with Color Coronal (Kirlian) spectral analysis (Dr. Ignatov, 2007) show that 27% of the students have 100% discharge in the area of contact of the thumb with the photo emulsion. This is indicator for highest level bioinformational abilities. In other schools the middle percent of the students with this effect is not more than 3-4%.
The results show the over 80% of the students have discharge in the area of contact of the thumb with the photo emulsion.

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